2nd place at the DSTNCMP award for the project "Lehre trotz Lockdwon" (apprenticeship despite lockdown)
The DSTNCMP (Destination Camp) is one of the leading industry events in tourism. On April 29, 2022, the PriMa project "Apprenticeship despite Lockdown" was voted second place at the DSTNCMP award in Hamburg by the participants.
Review January 2021
How to train apprentices in Corona times? Under the title "Lehre trotz Lockdwon" (apprenticeship despite lockdown), a number of hotehotels in Kleinwalsertal quickly organized a five-week comprehensive training program for their apprentices in the winter of 2020/21 with the support of the initiative "PriMa - Kleinwalsertal" and Walser Raiffeisen Holding. A total of 15 training companies and 27 apprentices were part of the project. With the help of a large network of partners and suppliers as well as ambitious trainers from the companies, more than 35 training courses were organized. The project came about through the initiative of the hotels Hotel Birkenhöhe, Genuss- und Aktivhotel Sonnenburg, Kleinwalsertaler Rosenhof, Renate Liebl, Travel Charme Ifen Hotel and Familotel Alphotel.