Serviceteam | © Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen | Photographer: Werner Krug Serviceteam | © Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen | Photographer: Werner Krug
shape - move - inspire

PriMa Partnerinformation

PriMa Partnerinformation

A destination that delights guests with excellent service quality and hospitality also puts the needs of its employees first. You run your company according to this principle and make the happiness of your employees a priority? Then you should become part of PriMa Kleinwalsertal.


Tourism that is fit for the future needs integral approaches to ensure sustainability at all levels. In the future, the success of a destination will be significantly determined by how people interact with each other - with guests, employees and the entire valley population. PriMa starts at this point, it is of strategic importance for the competitiveness of the destination.


PriMa is a network. Every service partner of Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen in the destination can be a part of PriMa. Prerequisite is the PriMa code of trust. PriMa offers the possibility to be present as an attractive employer via the PriMa job platform. In addition, PriMa must take root in the destination and make employee orientation visible and experienceable through projects. There is no obligation, but PriMa is an invitation to get involved with ideas and initiatives.
PriMa Code of Conduct