Paperwork | © Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen | Photographer: Werner Krug

10 Mar. 2023 · News

AIF-German language courses

The courses range from teaching specialist vocabulary and specific idioms to practical tips. The courses take place in real time, so the learned knowledge can be used directly - the recommended basic level should be A2.

ÖIF_LEssoms | © Kleinwalsertal Tourism eGen

How do I register for the language courses?

You can find the available/free language courses here:

Just select your language course and click on it (different language courses - see picture).

Infos | © Kleinwalsertal Tourism eGen

Detail page & registration link

Once you have selected a course, you will end up on the detail page, here you will find a registration link and again the exact date and time - when the course will take place.

The registration link takes you further --> towards the meeting.

Zoom | © Kleinwalsertal Tourism eGen

How do I sign up for Zoom?

Participation in the language courses is via the video conference service Zoom – you can use Zoom in an online browser client or download the app directly to your PC/laptop/mobile phone.

The registration at Zoom is done via your e-mail address & name, shortly after entering a new window will appear “Join a discussion participant” – just click on it.

Now you are part of the language course, a short guide can also be found on YouTube: https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=WIgclWzgzJ8