Living in Kleinwalsertal
- Start
- Living & working
- Arrival
Information for your first days in kleinwalsertal
»Grüaß di«!
If you move to Kleinwalsertal, you will hear this greeting more often. About 700 years ago, Kleinwalsertal became home to the first settlers. At that time they came from the Swiss Valais - today more than 40 nationalities live and work in Kleinwalsertal. We would like you to have an easy start in Kleinwalsertal. Therefore, we have compiled some tips.
Tourismus in Kleinwalsertal
Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen
Walserstraße 264, A-6992 Hirschegg
info@kleinwalsertal.com; Tel. +43 5517 5114-0
A small valley with great nature – that’s why we love Kleinwalsertal. With Natur bewusst erleben (experience nature consciously) we want to express an attitude: to protect what we love. The initiative puts the value of nature for people at the centre of public interest. A concept for guiding those seeking relaxation and leisure sports enthusiasts – a ranger team, events and guided tours raise awareness and provide advice so that each of us can continue to enjoy the diversity and uniqueness of nature in Kleinwalsertal in the future.
Weitere Infos: www.natur-bewusst-erleben.com
The most important steps upon your arrival
How it works:
- You can find the registration form and supplementary sheet on the muncipality of Mittelberg's website at:
- www.gde-mittelberg.at under >> Gemeindeverwaltung >> Bürgerservice >> Anträge & Formulare
- To register, send an email with these documents and a copy of your passport/ID to flori.felder@gde-mittelberg.at
If your stay in the municipality of Mittelberg is longer than 3 months, you have to apply for a registration certificate for EEA citizens at the municipal office. The documents for the registration certificate can be found on the municipality of Mittelberg’s website:
Registration office of the municipality of Mittelberg,
Walserstraße 52, A-6991 Riezlern
Florian Felder, flori.felder@gde-mittelberg.at, Phone +43 (0)5517 5315-220
Erich Schuster, erich.schuster@gde-mittelberg.at, Phone +43 (0)5517 5315-221
It is recommended to open an account with an Austrian bank for the monthly transfer of your salary. You can open a bank account with valid ID, a driving license or passport.
The following banks can be found in Kleinwalsertal:
Walser RaiffeisenBank
Walserstraße 263, A-6992 Hirschegg
Tel. +43 5517 202-01
Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG
Walserstraße 31, A-6991 Riezlern
Tel. +43 50414 8000
Employees are automatically applicable for social security in Austria. Statutory social security comprises health insurance, accident insurance, pension insurance and unemployment insurance. Your employer will usually apply for a social insurance number and provisional e-card on your behalf. Children and (unemployed) spouses can also be included in the insurance. The e-card is proof of health insurance. You will need the e-card when you visit the doctor, for example.
Österreichische Gesundheitskasse Vorarlberg (Austrian health insurance company in Vorarlberg)
Servicestelle Hirschegg, Dienstag von 08:30 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 4 pm
Walserstraße 260, A-6992 Hirschegg
Tel.: +43 5 0766-195415, hirschegg@oegk.at
Since the start of 2020, all newly issued or exchanged e-cards for persons aged over 14 must include a photo. More information is available in multiple languages at www.chipkarte.at/foto
- If a photo from an official document is available (Austrian passport, ID card, Austrian driving license in credit card format, photo from a foreign registry document), it will automatically be used for the e-card.
- If NO photo is available and you have NO Austrian citizenship, the Kleinwalsertal police department will handle the e-card photo registration:
Police department Kleinwalsertal
Walserstraße 226, A-6992 Hirschegg,
Mittwoch von 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr und von 13:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Appointments must be made at
Tel. 059133/85-7001, bfa-rd-v-ecard@bmi.gv.at
You must bring the following documents with you:
- Up-to-date passport photo (not older than 6 months, must comply with passport photo criteria)
- The old e-card if available, or your Austrian social security number
- Original version of a valid travel document
Anyone registered as living in Austria and who has bought their vehicle to Austria from abroad, must reregister it within one month of arrival. Your chosen vehicle insurance company will help you re-register your vehicle:
2Plus (Generali)
Walserstraße 269, A-6992 Hirschegg
Tel.: +43 5517 6660
Vorarlberger Landes-Versicherung
Walserstraße 271, A-6992 Hirschegg
Tel.: +43 5517 5642
UNIQA Generalagentur Bastgen
Walserstraße 237, A-6992 Hirschegg
Tel.: +43 5517 6700
Allianz Versicherungs AG
Walserstraße 52, 6992 Hirschegg
Tel.: +43 5517 5849
EEA driving licenses (EU + Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) are recognised in Austria and do not need to be exchanged. Driving licenses from non-EEA countries must be exchanged for an Austrian driving license within six months.
The foreign driving license can be exchanged at any driving license authority in Austria:
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bregenz
Bahnhofstraße 41, A-6900 Bregenz
Tel.: +43 5574 4951-0
More information: Österreichs digitales Amt
Mobility card
Together with Oberstdorf, the municipality of Mittelberg has created an attractive solution as an alternative to the citizen card: the mobility card includes all bus lines in Kleinwalsertal as well as in the municipal district of Oberstdorf (apart from the “Bergsteiger Linie” no. 8).
- The big advantage is the low price: € 100.00 per year for an adult (equivalent to around € 8.33 per month).
- There is also a family ticket for € 250 (2 adults & all children) or € 150 (1 adult & all children).
- The mobility card is also available at a seasonal price (summer or winter): € 60 for an adult
PriMa-premium card
It is also possible to get a PriMa premium card from your employer. It contains the same benefits as the Kleinwalsertal citizen card.
The following benefits are included:
- All bus lines in Kleinwalsertal as well as in the municipal district of Oberstdorf (except line 8 – mountain route line to Trettachtal)
- Cable cars in the 2023 summer season (during operating hours) Kanzelwand, Walmendingerhorn, Ifen, Fellhorn, Nebelhorn, Söllereck, Zaferna, Heuberg
- Riezlern outdoor pool
- Freibergsee outdoor pool
- Moorbad Oberstdorf pool
- Moorbad Reichenbach pool
- Oberstdorf local history museum
- Breitachklamm
It is best to talk to your employer; they can order the card for you at the municipality of Mittelberg’s citizens’ service. Some employers also contribute to the costs
More Informations: Gemeinde Mittelberg
In Austria, families with children up to the age of 18 (and up to the age of 24 if they are in education or training) are given a monthly financial allowance in the form of the family allowance (=Familienbeihilfe). Parents entitled to family allowance and share their main residence with the child and whose lives arecentred in Austria are also entitled to a childcare allowance.
Responsible for family allowance:
Finanzamt Österreich
A-6900 Bregenz, Brielgasse 19
Tel.: 050 233 700
Responsible for childcare allowance:
Österreichische Gesundheitskasse Vorarlberg
Walserstraße 260, A-6992 Hirschegg
Tel.: 050 7661 95415, hirschegg@oegk.at
The social welfare office (Sozialamt) deals with all social matters such as minimum benefits, pensions, youth and family, care allowances and housing allowances. Other main tasks include nurseries, caring for the elderly and housing allocation. Even if people get into financial difficulties through no fault of their own, the federal state of Vorarlberg offers various financial support options.
More Information: Österreichs digitales Amt
Abteilung Gesundheit & Soziales der Gemeinde Mittelberg (health & social welfare department of the municipality of Mittelberg)
Walserstraße 52, A-6991 Riezlern
Konrad Pfeffer, konrad.pfeffer@gde-mittelberg.at, Tel. +43 5517 5315-222
Lisa Schuster, lisa.schuster@gde-mittelberg.at, Tel. +43 5517 5351-211
Ifs – Sozialarbeit Kleinwalsertal
Professional and anonymous counselling in all mental and social health matters is provided by the Institute for Social Services (ifs).
Ifs Kleinwalsertal
Walserstraße 260, A-6992 Hirschegg
Ulrike Müller, ulrike.mueller@ifs.at, +43 5517 300-90
Depending on the age, a general distinction is made at childcare centres between the crèche (Kinderkrippe – up to three years of age) and nursery (Kindergarten – children from three to six years of age). Attendance at a nursery is compulsory one year before school enrolment. Registration for a public nursery and school place is done directly through the respective facility!
Nursery schools & childcare:
Babysitter & student care
- List of Babysitters in Kleinwalsertal
- Afternoon and vacation care for children from 6 to 12 years old in Kleinwalsertal valley
Kleinwalsertal public youth work is a service offered by the municipality of Mittelberg in cooperation with the Institute for Social Services (ifs).
- Counselling and mediation services (on topics such as: family, friends, addiction, school, apprenticeship, love...)
- Open youth meeting (every Monday from 4 pm at "Käfer" in Hirschegg, Mühleweg 3)
- Leisure and holiday activities (youth programme, children’s school holiday programme, etc.)
- Support/mentoring for autonomous youth clubs/youth groups (e.g. youth forum, rural youth, Hello...Eventteam)
- Support/co-organising youth events
Kleinwalsertal public youth work
Simone Rundel, Walserstraße 260, A-6992 Hirschegg
Tel. +43 (0)664 889 10 100
The youth club for everyone over the age of 14 organises events and projects for young people, among other things.
Youth forum Kleinwalsertal
“Käfer” on Mühleweg 3 in Hirschegg is a meeting place for young people and the young at heart. Information on opening hours and events: facebook.com/JugendforumKAFER
Contact: Obmann Pius Meusburger, pius.meusburger@gmail.com
Sport, music & culture, youth & social affairs, safety: Kleinwalsertal has a colourful and varied club life. You can find an overview of all the clubs and contact persons here: Gemeinde Mittelberg
Kleinwalsertal not only wants satisfied guests – we also want employees to have a living space and jobs here that inspire them. PriMa stands for Priorität Mitarbeitende (priority employees) in Kleinwalsertal. It is a destination-wide initiative that supports projects concerning employee development and employer attractiveness.
Language courses
Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. Speexx online language courses make this possible. The languages offered are German as a foreign language, English, Italian, Spanish and French. You can join the language courses at any time, and the time required can be adapted to suit your individual needs. If you are interested in the language courses, please contact your employer.
Kleinwalsertal tourist office/tourism academy
Siglinde Jochum, Walserstraße 264, A-6992 Hirschegg
Tel. +43 (0)5517 5114-410
Further educational offers: prima.kleinwalsertal.com
Do you have any questions or ideas & feedback that you would like to share with us? Then send us a message :
Kleinwalsertal Tourism office / PriMa